Friends of Boise Creek have been busy!
We met with some very special people of like minds and helpful with grant opportunities and technical support.
Here is an introduction to the Puyallup Watershed Council and a sub committee called the Local Integrating Organization or – LIO.
LIO’s are local forums who meet regularly throughout the year to collaboratively work to develop, coordinate, and implement strategies and actions that contribute to the protection and recovery of the local ecosystem.
This LIO granted us $2,000 last year which we spent on native plants. Volunteers have installed all of them with attention “Right Plant Right Place” and attention to detail. We are experiencing 95% survival. Last week we updated the LIO on progress with this keynote presentation:
(Double click on the woodpecker slide for video and turn up the sound)
We can be proud of how this project has come together. Members of this community have installed 100’s of plants, and are taking care of this Community Place. It is an outdoor classroom for Enumclaw School District, A natural area for everyone, wildlife habitat, demonstration place for Best Management Practices for local land owners. It is also a rallying point for a Peer to Peer network of specialists from all of the involved local agencies.
Together we are gathering resources to improve the way water and farmers interact all over the Enumclaw Plateau. In addition, we have improved the water quality as it flows through Lateral 5 and into Boise Creek while providing shade for the fish. Community members regularly attack the weeds and groom our native plants who belong here.
We can now visit Boise Creek — thanks to clearing a trail along lateral 5 (thanks to Wheeler Construction).
The Salmon are running and now have clear passage after removing much debris from the waterway.
Thanks to all of you!
Bernie McKinney – Friends of Boise Creek
P.S. We are going to be out there every Wednesday from 9-12. Come visit or lend a hand!
Additional assistance from: The Rose Foundation, The Enumclaw Garden Club, King County, The City of Enumclaw, Drainage District, Enumclaw School District, Green River Community College Natural Resources and 100’s of volunteers
Here is a link to the Puyallup Watershed council:
FYI, Boise Creek flows into the White River and then the Puyallup River (WRIA10)