Defend Cumberland
We are a community-based organization founded by a dedicated group of Southeast King County residents committed to preserving the unparalleled natural beauty and ecological integrity of our region.
Cumberland is nestled amidst some of the most pristine wilderness areas remaining in our state, it is one of the last truly wild places left. However, this irreplaceable environmental treasure is under direct threat from a proposed aggregate mine and asphalt plant spanning 900 acres and will be located within a quarter mile of longtime Cumberland residents and right next to Kanasket Palmer State Park that welcomes nearly 200,000 visitors every year.
This disastrous development, (King County Special Project GRDE23-0083), risks causing permanent, irreversible damage to the local ecosystems and way of life. Independent studies by environmental scientists show that large-scale mining operations like this lead to significant habitat destruction and biodiversity loss. The asphalt plant component would also introduce harmful air pollutants that degrade air quality for our community, and create a critical public safety risk for those who use this rural road system as nearly 600 truck trips per day take over.
Take Action and Get Involved
The threat posed by the proposed aggregate mine and asphalt plant GRDE23-0083 is immense, but united we can stop this destruction before it’s too late. Every voice raised in defense of Cumberland’s environment makes a difference. Here’s how you can join the fight:
- Sign the online petition to officially register your opposition
- Sign up – stay informed on upcoming events, calls to action, and the latest developments
- Follow and share posts and updates on Facebook and Instagram
- Attend local informational meetings, rallies, and events
- Volunteer to help spread the word door-to-door, distribute lawn signs & flyers, write letters to representatives, and more
Our strength is in our numbers. The more engaged citizens we have, the louder our voices will ring in protecting Cumberland and the Last of the Wildplaces. Any effort, large or small, moves us closer to victory. Join the movement today and help us preserve this beautiful place we call home.

Saturday, July 13th 9am-4pm Black Diamond Miners Days: Historic Black Diamond
Saturday, July 13th 9 am Black Diamond Triathlon: Nolte State Park
Sunday, September 1st-Monday, September 2nd: Annual Black Diamond Labor Days
Saturday, September 14th 10am-6pm Salmon on Sunset, Boogie, Bites and Brews: Historic Downtown Issaquah